Customer Testimonials


"I'm very satisfied with the service received, I got exactly what I hired and needed. The support team responds to requests effectively and I would not hesitate to hire a new service with you the next time I need it."

Saray García, Granada, Spain


"I would say, javaprovider help staff is very good. The most thing I like is I don't have to wait for any agent to get connected... it get connected instantly and I usually get answer within short time. Many Thanks to Wes B (always get email reply) and Rob (always meet on chat). Thank You again!!!"

Fahim Parkar, Kuwait, KW


"Thank you so much for your help! Not everywhere you get such good support!"

Sarah Thiel, Kelvin Grove, Australia


"Your support is the best ever! Congratulations!!! Thank you!"

"UPDATE: After more than 5 years since the above comment, the support still is the best ever! Wow!"

Almir Costa Campos, San Diego, US


"You are best hosting for java, that i have ever used."

Haris Dautović, Velika Kladuša, Bosnia


"Great service! I'm impresses for small price for private Tomcat so good support."

Mike Dan, Chicago, US


"Thanks, I was pleased of your hosting. I will use it again!"

Andrew Denysenko, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine


"You have provided an excellent service and java hosting platform, unfortunately my plans for this site have fallen over and it is no longer required. Thanks!"

Stephen Howell, Derby, United Kingdom


"...I was very satisfied with your hosting, so next time I know where to buy if I will need it again. Thank you!"

Vojko Rozić, Trebnje, Slovenia


"Thank you for the great cooperation. I will recommend you to any friends in need of a Java hosting service."

Andrzej S., Krakow, Poland